Moving Out and About From Your Décor Comfort Zone

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Oyster Mirror - Moving

The past several days I have had my hands full dealing with something no one ever looks forward to: painting and preparing for a move from one zip code to another.

It never matters how far the move actually is…. It’s still moving, it’s still stressful, and it’s still hard on one’s body. However, thanks to several friends—who painted like champs and moved boxes up a flight of stairs like they worked for Mayflower—it is starting to come together. I could NOT have done it without them… and I thank them with all my heart!

Beyond just stressing about logistics, moving invites a very difficult choice: do you incorporate your existing furniture and design aesthetic into your brand new space, or use the move as an excuse to move out of your décor comfort zone and try something entirely new? For me, the answer was simple: working with Grant Gribble here at Collage Home makes it all too easy to want to change up my design palate.

So, with that being said… I have made the bold (and expensive) decision to shift from a Mid-Century Modern/rustic aesthetic with neutral colors to more of an eclectic, blue, white and black vibe—with a splash of Asian—and brass and gold, which is a brand new finish for me to be obsessed with.

I know what you’re thinking: Asian splash? Don’t worry, it will be fine! It throws people at first but the unexpected incorporation complements the rest of the décor beautifully.

I’ve had fun ordering a few things for my new house and new design scheme, but I have been a bit preoccupied with quite a few items here at the shop. How could I not be?!

Items like this have specifically caught my attention:

oyster mirrorhinged-flower-vases

And these…



And these…

temple jar Midnight-cotton-blend-throw-600x600

And, for the first time in years, I am thinking of wallpapering… And it’s not your mother’s wallpaper! And, yes, we have a kingsize selection at Collage Home.

2016 is a new year, so don’t be afraid to change or add to “your colors”… in the words of Shelby from Steel Magnolias, “My culahs ah Buhlush and Bashfuhl.”

Remember, it’s in the mix, not the match! #gettoknowcollage

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